Valuation Depot


We have curated this collection of research to serve as the primary repository for the most impactful work done in the nascent but fascinating field of crypto asset valuation. We believe this is deeply important work presented by the most talented minds in our space. It is an honor to share it with you.  

Whether you are 10 hours or 10,000 hours into your crypto research journey, we hope this can be your single source for staying up-to-date on groundbreaking crypto asset valuation research.  

To help you orient yourself with respect to the content, we have divided the research into four sections: Quantitative, Qualitative, Papers and Tools.

We insist this be an interactive experience, so please upvote your favorite articles. We thought a TCR would have been a bit of an overkill, but you get the idea.

Finally, this valuation depot is by no means meant to be comprehensive. There’s new research coming out every day and we probably missed some important things along the way. So by all means, if you have a contribution, please email us the link at and we’ll get it up here.

Our lawyers would also like us to remind you that none of this is investment advice.