EOS Town Hall - February 18, 2019

Notes Created By: LibertyBlock


  • EOS User Agreement and Global BP involvement

  • Reset expectations of what governance really is on EOS

eos user agreement image.png

Key Takeaways

Understanding EOS Governance

“The purpose of the EOS user agreement is to give a hard reset to expectations of what governance is... A lot of the proclaimed failures of EOS governance are merely a result of mismanaged expectations.” —  Kevin Rose, EOS New York

At launch, there was a misunderstanding between architects of the original governance framework and their grasp of the basic feature set of EOSIO software. The original user agreement was intended to set hard governance on EOS. The current state of the ecosystem is the result of a lack in community governance. A system that heavily relies on network validators doesn't presently work.

Resetting Expectations

“EOS is a better-governed blockchain unlike PoW systems where the stakeholder cannot hold the network validator accountable.”  —  Kevin Rose, EOS New York

If ECAF had the permission that allowed them to enforce their findings, the state of the network would be different. They persisted in a state of reliance on network validators which ultimately did not work.

EOS User Agreement establishes an expectation that there is no blanket dispute resolution mechanism on EOS; there is no base layer arbitration.

The community needs to involve more Chinese BPs, proxies, and constituents in the development process itself. The ecosystem could be more inclusive when it comes to collaboration and community involvement with one of the largest EOS participants in the space. The language barrier itself presents a hindrance in relaying information, resulting in a lack of action and feedback from their end. Looping them in on the conversation would be a great way to hear their voices and address their concerns so we can build a more cooperative, global EOS community.

Block Producer Guide

People need more visibility from Block Producers regarding their stance on what they support. We will create a Block Producer Guide that will include the following:

  • Creating a referendum specific voter permission. (not using active key)

  • How to vote for referendum using cleos

  • How to tell if a referendum has garnered enough support (where to look at referendum, how to use eos titan tools)

Next Week’s Call

Continue to base discussions around the EOS User Agreement and getting more BPs involved in building a better framework for the community governance.


A special thank you to:

  • The Cybercode Twins — shEOS

  • Kedar Iyer and Tim Lewis — LibertyBlock

  • Kevin Rose — EOS New York

  • Josh Kauffman — EOS Canada

  • Yves La Rose — EOS Nation

  • Myles Snyder — Aurora EOS

Links mentioned:
